Sunday, May 8, 2011

Engineering condition in Nepal

Nepal is situated between two develpes countries India and China.Comparing with nenighbour countries Nepal is undeveloped country.Most of the places are remote here.So there are a lot of engineering work to do in Nepal.To develope the country transpotation is most nesessary part.Without roads no transpotation is not possible.
To make good roads  engineers are required. So we have to produce more engineers.
As you all know that Nepal is reach in water resources.There are a lot of revers in Nepal.So engineers have to make bridges.
At present a lot of engineering projects are on hold due to political condition.
In Nepal , there are a lot of load seding.To menemize the loas seding we have to utilize our water resources.
We have to utilize our water resources and convert it into electricity ot menemize load seding.
Hence engineers plays vitel role to develope the country.

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